School Profile
ECA School Profile
Excelsior Classical Academy is a tuition-free public charter school with a rigorous, college-preparatory, liberal arts focus.
We started in the 2015–2016 school year with 252 students in grades K–4. We added a grade a year to grow to K–12. Our first graduating class was the class of 2024. Stats for the class of 2024
In 2020, the North Carolina State Board of Education awarded Excelsior Classical Academy a 10-year charter renewal – the longest term possible for NC charter schools.
In the summer of 2024, Excelsior Classical Academy was notified that we had earned Cognia® Accreditation. Cognia is a nonprofit organization that provides quality assurance for schools, school districts, and education service providers.
School Hours
- Monday-Friday Grammar 8:30 am–3:30 pm, Upper 8:25 am–3:30 pm.
- Drop-off begins 8:00 am and pick-up begins at 3:30 pm.
- School office hours are Monday–Friday 7:45am–4:15pm.
- Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday 9:00am to 2:30pm. The school is closed the week of July 4.
School Calendar
We have a modified year-round calendar. We typically start at the beginning of August and end after the first week in June. We have a one-week Fall break, a two to two-and-a-half week Winter Break, and a two to two-and-a-half week Spring Break. Students have about seven weeks off in the summer.
- A classical curriculum based on the Trivium of Grammar, Dialectic (Logic), and Rhetoric
- The Core Knowledge Sequence in grades K–8
- Singapore Math
- Daily physical activity
- Spanish in grades K–5
- Latin I and II in grades 7-8 for high school credit
- Additional two years of language study in high school
- Fine arts instruction in grades K–12
- Character education and service learning
- Math 1 in 8th grade with option for Math 1 and Math 2 in 8th grade for high school credit
- Honors and AP options in high school
- Dual enrollment options at Durham Tech for 11th & 12th graders to earn both HS and College credits with the opportunity to earn an Associate’s Degree by the time they graduate from high school
Teaching Methods
- Direct instruction/lecture
- Socratic questioning
- Class discussion
- Seminars
- Differentiation
- Individual and group work, as appropriate
Teachers will foster a growth mindset, encouraging all students to believe that intelligence can increase through learning, perseverance, and hard work. All students will be treated as individuals, with high academic expectations for all.
Uniform Dress Code
Our students wear uniforms to place the focus on academics; instill school pride, unity, and spirit; and remove distinctions of socio-economic status and cliques.
Our Motto
Eruditio et Virtus (Learning and Virtue)
Our Mascot
Flying Lion—Flying Lions take Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort in our school!

School Report Card
In North Carolina, a school’s performance grade is based 80 percent on the school’s achievement score and 20 percent on students’ academic growth. The final grade is based on the following 15-point scale:
A = 85–100, B = 70–84, C = 55–69, D = 40–54, F = Less than 40
2023-2024 School Performance Grade: C; School Performance Score: 60
2022-2023 School Performance Grade: D; School Performance Score: 53
2021-2022 School Performance Grade: D; School Performance Score: 52
2020-2021 No School Performance Grade; No School Performance Score
For the 2020-21 school year, the U.S. Department of Education waived accountability requirements to North Carolina and other states in consideration of the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the N.C. General Assembly and the governor waived state accountability rules, including the calculation and reporting of A-F school performance grades and growth analyses. State Superintendent, Catherine Truitt said the 2020-21 assessment data were meant to provide information to parents, educators, and the public about student performance and to help design and deploy resources and supports. “We know the 2020-21 school year was incredibly challenging for students, families and educators,” Truitt said. “We need to remember these results are only a snapshot of a year marked by extreme anomalies and extenuating circumstances. To treat these scores as though they are valid indicators of future success or performance would not only be an improper use of these data, but also would be a disservice to our students, teachers, and administrators.”
2019-2020 No School Performance Grade; No School Performance Score:
State Tests were not given due to pandemic school closures
2018-2019 School Performance Grade: C; School Performance Score: 64
2017-2018 School Performance Grade: C; School Performance Score: 65
2016-2017 School Performance Grade: C; School Performance Score: 59
2015-2016 School Performance Grade: D; School Performance Score: 49
Excelsior Classical Academy opened in August of 2015.
Read to Achieve
2023-24 Read to Achieve Grade 3 End-of-Year (EOY) Results
2022-23 Read to Achieve Grade 3 End-of-Year (EOY) Results
2021-22 Read to Achieve Grade 3 End-of-Year (EOY) Results
School Improvement Plan
School improvement planning provides a mechanism for identifying needs and establishing a common approach to meeting those needs at the school level. Effective school improvement planning contributes to overall school performance. School Improvement Plans remain in effect for no more than two school years and must be approved by the local Board of Education biannually. Plans are amended periodically to reflect each school’s efforts toward meeting established goals.
Excelsior posts and links to their School Improvement Plans in NCStar, a web-based school improvement management tool. This tool can be accessed for each school using the guest login information in the table below.
- You will need to log in with Excelsior’s Guest Login (below)
Password: GuestS17731
- Please be sure to click on and follow these Instructions for Reviewing School Improvement Plan in NCStar
School Improvement Plan 2023-25