Excelsior Classical Academy has a number of options for advanced learning.
Early Entry to Kindergarten
§ 115C 364 states that “A child who has passed the fourth anniversary of the child’s birth on or before April 16 may enter kindergarten if the child is presented for enrollment no later than the end of the first month of the school year and if the principal of the school finds, based on information submitted by the child’s parent or guardian, that the child is gifted and that the child has the maturity to justify admission to the school.” Specific guidelines for early entrance to kindergarten are outlined in 16 NCAC 6E.0105.
A family submitting an application for a child who does not turn five before August 31 of that school year may inform Excelsior that they wish to apply for early admission for Kindergarten if their child turns four by April 16 of the previous school year. The child must meet specific criteria in order to be admitted. If the child meets the criteria, the child will be enrolled. The school may conditionally enroll the child for a 90 day period, and if it is determined that the child has not adjusted to the school setting, the enrollment may be reversed.